• Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

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About organisation

The public organization “Rada of Hromadska Bezpeky” was established in 2007 to increase the level of economic and legal knowledge of citizens, participate in the implementation of economic and socio-cultural state / public programs of the region aimed at social, legal and economic protection of citizens. However, having united the active patriotic citizens of Odessa, the Rada of Hromadska Bezpeki began its active work in April 2014 with charitable volunteer assistance to the military units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces leaving Crimea after the illegal annexation of the peninsula by the Russian Federation, and assistance to military personnel / volunteers going to front to defend Ukraine. Volunteers and donors collected things necessary to improve the life of families of military personnel; volunteer charitable assistance in the form of food, ammunition, equipment, building materials and spare parts was provided to military units stationed in the Odessa region; volunteers repaired obsolete equipment and helped with the arrangement of the life of military personnel, organizing their leisure time.

Since June 2014, the RSL began to actively help the Military Medical Center of the Southern Region (hospital 411), when the first wounded soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the ATO zone began to arrive at the Odessa military hospital. Charitable funds were used to purchase the necessary medicines and special equipment, food and bedding, medical equipment necessary for the effective treatment and rehabilitation of wounded soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

At the same time, sympathetic citizens of Odessa began to independently bring medicines and other things to the office of the RSL to be transferred as assistance to the wounded. If donors donated money, medicines were purchased for them in accordance with current needs and transferred to the hospital according to acceptance certificates. All transfers were carried out by volunteers of the RSL, who were on duty in the medical institution every day, and after the transfer of aid, reports were provided to donors. Also, since June, our organization began to form cargoes from food, military uniforms, clothing, personal hygiene products, spare parts for military equipment and protective equipment necessary in combat conditions, and independently transport them to the ATO zone.

Since September 2014, the RSL has been engaged in the direction of the military-patriotic education of adolescents. Thus, the military-patriotic training camp “Ukrainian Opir – Odeska Sich” was equipped on the territory of the abandoned Institute of the Ground Forces in the city of Odessa by the forces of caring Odessans and activists of the RSL.

In March 2015, the RSL organized a charity marathon concert to raise funds for the purchase of a resuscitation vehicle for the soldiers of the ATO “Kuzma with us”, in memory of the musician Kuzma Skryabin, who died in a car accident, in which such famous performers as Oleg Skripka and the group “ Gaidamaki.

Our main tasks:
1. Assistance to soldiers in ATO/JFO
2. Help for wounded soldiers in the hospital.
3. Military-patriotic education – mobile camp “Ukrainian Opir – Odeska Sich”
4. Assistance in the rehabilitation of participants in the hostilities of the ATO / JFO (health improvement, assistance in organizing sports and cultural events)
5. Assistance to families of ATO/JFO soldiers, widows and children.
6. Help homeless animals and animal shelters.

Our organization is a team of like-minded people who are sincerely rooting for the future of Odessa and all of Ukraine and striving to build their European future as part of enhancing the legal and social role of civil society in the life of the city and state.

We welcome any help. Come and become an active participant in a meaningful patriotic movement.

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"Ukrop" - ukranian repulse

Public organization “Odessa Sich-Ukrainian Opir”

 What is the public asking for today?

Transparency, openness and publicity of legality, publicity, equality of rights and obligations of citizens.

Who are we?

We are the PUBLIC ORGANIZATION “Odessa Sich-Ukrainian Opir”, which was created, on September 5, 2014, by patriotic citizens of the city of Odessa, as part of the NGO “Rada of Civil Security”, based on the common interests and aspirations of the members of the Public Organization, for the joint implementation of their rights and freedoms.

The need to create the NGO “Odessa Sich-Ukrainian Opir” is justified by terrorist aggression on the part of the Russian Federation to counter separatist manifestations and any destabilization processes in the city of Odessa and the Odessa region. The activities of a public organization are carried out in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine on “Public Associations”, the current legislation of Ukraine and other regulatory legal acts of Ukraine and the Charter.

A public organization interacts with state authorities, local self-government, with various public organizations, other associations of citizens, trade unions, individuals and legal entities.

Do we need society?

How are we different from others?

Our mission.

      The creation of the NGO “Odeska Sich-Ukrainian Opir” was started with the creation of the military-patriotic camp “Odessa Sich-Ukrainian Opir”, which, in a short period of time, became for many citizens of the city, the cultural and educational center of the patriots of the Odessa region.

Our goal

The purpose of the Odessa Sich-Ukrainian Opir is to protect the rights and freedoms, meet public needs and interests, in particular, social, economic, creative, age, national-cultural, military-sports and community interests of members of our organization.

Our principles

? Patriotism and dedication

? Volunteering and self-government

? Free choice of field of activity

? Equality before the law

? No vested interest

? Transparency and openness

? Publicity and publicity

? Equality of rights and obligations

Our tasks

? Increasing the level of self-organization of the population

? Physical training of members of the organization

? Weapon handling training

? Creation and implementation of educational programs on the military history of Ukraine

? Charitable and social missions, as well as their support

? Organized assistance in case of emergencies

? Military-patriotic education, citizens and adolescents

? Promoting responsible ownership, storage and use of firearms by citizens

? Development and popularization of military-applied sports

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